Monday, August 13, 2012

Goals for Freshman Year

    As I start out my freshman year, I am planning to maintain a high GPA so that I will be able to get into a good college.   Also, I want to carry forward my status in the National Honor Society. An action plan would help me stay on track through my high school years and prepare me for the start of college.

     Socially, as a freshman, I find myself on the bottom of the totem pole again.  Gaining additional confidence in myself will help me become a well-rounded person.  I really want to relate to all people and cultures. By going to my extracurricular activities, such as tennis, I will get to meet more people than I already know.  I am lucky to have such great friends already, and making more will provide a better experience for high school.  I enjoy meeting new people and learning about them because I know that the friendships I make in high school can last a lifetime.

     I was raised to believe that the Golden Rule is great to live by.  Treat others the way you want to be treated.  I want to have the ability to express why I believe what I believe.  Having an open mind to different peoples thoughts and opinions is an ability that will help me form my own.  I plan to rely on my faith through the good and bad times.

Photo by:  Thom C

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