Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Happy Ending

           My mom and I went to Aldi to purchase food for the holiday weekend.  While we were looking for black olives, a little old man started talking to me.  We had a lot of random items on our list.  While we ran around the store looking for these items, the old man continued talking to me.  He smiled a lot and he was generally nice.  We finally got to the checkout line and paid for our groceries.  Once we had them loaded in our car, I was headed to return the cart.  I then noticed that the man's box, loaded full with groceries, broke open from the bottom and all of his food was on the ground in the parking lot.  He seemed very upset about his broken milk bottle, so my mom and I went over to help him.  We picked up all of his groceries and exchanged his milk bottle for him so he wouldn't have to walk all the way back inside.  He seemed surprised that strangers would help him, but he was very happy and thankful for the assistance.  It was encouraging to know that by helping him, I could make him smile.

abandoned cart

                                                                                                                               By: Joelk75

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Pearl: Project

Make a video of your own at Animoto.

Gracie and I had to do our project on the symbols that were in The Pearl.  We had to learn how to use a tool new to us, Animoto.  To create our video, we first had to pick out music and the pictures that we wanted to use.  Then, we had to go through our book to pick out the symbols that we felt were some of the most important.  To show everyone about the symbolism of the boat, pearl and scorpion we picked out 3 quotes.  I feel that I learned that symbolism is everywhere in the world and you don't always know what it might mean to others.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Goals for Freshman Year

    As I start out my freshman year, I am planning to maintain a high GPA so that I will be able to get into a good college.   Also, I want to carry forward my status in the National Honor Society. An action plan would help me stay on track through my high school years and prepare me for the start of college.

     Socially, as a freshman, I find myself on the bottom of the totem pole again.  Gaining additional confidence in myself will help me become a well-rounded person.  I really want to relate to all people and cultures. By going to my extracurricular activities, such as tennis, I will get to meet more people than I already know.  I am lucky to have such great friends already, and making more will provide a better experience for high school.  I enjoy meeting new people and learning about them because I know that the friendships I make in high school can last a lifetime.

     I was raised to believe that the Golden Rule is great to live by.  Treat others the way you want to be treated.  I want to have the ability to express why I believe what I believe.  Having an open mind to different peoples thoughts and opinions is an ability that will help me form my own.  I plan to rely on my faith through the good and bad times.

Photo by:  Thom C