Monday, December 3, 2012

Animal Farm and Julius Caesar Comparison

There are a few things similar in both Animal Farm and Julius Caesar novels.  First off, characters in both novels have power get to their heads.  An example of this in Animal Farm is when the pigs start to think they are better than everyone else and give themselves better stuff.  Secondly, crime is seen in both books.  In Julius Caesar, Caesar was stabbed by all the conspirators.  The crime done in Animal Farm is all the things that are happening at night, such as the cows beings milked. Another similarity is betrayal.  Betrayal was seen in Julius Caesar when Brutus stabbed Caesar.  Caesar thought that Brutus was on his side and was one of his most loyal friends.  On the other hand, the act of betrayal in Animal Farm isn't between two people but between animals and literature.  All the animals were given rules to follow but the pigs (who created them) slowly started to change their words around to make it seem like nothing ever happened.  In summary, these two books are similar and give people a lot to think about.

  Pig With Boots By: Ethan Bloch