Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Why Are People So Fearful?

Fear is the highest fence.
Photo By: mrsdkrebs

Do you think your fears are rational? There are a couple of things that I’m fearful of, such as sharks, tornadoes and intruders.  I think that my fears are rational because sharks are a real threat when swimming in the ocean.  Also, I think tornadoes are a rational fear because we don’t have anywhere safe to go in our house.  If we had a storm shelter, I might not be so fearful of them.  As far as intruders go, I think it’s just the luck of the draw, but I try to be conscious about what is going on around me. As far as other people’s fears being rational, I think that people have reasons for being fearful.  I don’t think it is my place to judge whether their fears are rational or not. A fear that might be rational to me could be irrational to someone else.  Some of the most common fears are of failure, death, rejection and disappointment.  Nothing deserves our fear, but unfortunately, most people are fearful of something.